Saturday 23 August 2008


Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity

- Henry Van Dyke

I found this quote on the Yahoo horoscopes and thought it was apt for today. I am not a very patient person so I find waiting a trial. At the moment I am waiting to go to Australia on Friday, waiting to hear from friends having computer issues on the other side of the world, waiting for Tim and Sarah to come home and waiting to see my Qatar friends in early October. 

Most of all I am waiting for spring, for sunshine and warmth. The daffodils are coming out and I hope to photograph these in the next few day so watch this space. Lamb are arriving, the snow is retreating a little and the sun has some warmth. 

I have Ruby staying with me at the moment while her mum and dad are away for the weekend. It's great to have her company, such a switched on 11, nearly 12, year old. She's watching me typing a the moment, being very patient. Here's Ruby saying hi.

"One of the books that I'm reading -which is a really cool book - is 'Uncle Johns Biggest Ever Bathroom Reader' and it is filled with really interesting facts like: We are outnumbered, there are 7000 new insects species discovered every year. I think that every one who knows Julie is very lucky because she is a really cool and interesting person!"

Thanks for that Ruby, OK that comment cost me a fortune. We walked Sam this morning and bought lolly cake on the way home, time to go eat it. 

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