Saturday, 9 May 2009

Hot water

There are some things that happen here that make perfect sense, that are logical when you think about them. One of those is the hot water situation. I went to have a shower today at 1.30pm before going out. Late in the day to get out of pj's I'll admit but it is Saturday. Imagine my surprise when the water was hot enough to burn, too hot to shower in. I checked the tap, yep full on cold. I had to have a hasty wash and rinse and get out.

You see our tanks are on the roof and by midday with 40C plus temperatures, the water in the tanks gets very hot. Totally understandable really. So that also explains the hot washing and not being able to run the tap cold enough to water my plants. Oh by the way they're in the process of dying at the moment. RIP what can I do? So my new water cooler is an essential part of the kitchen furniture.

Note to self, plan my showers for earlier in the day on the weekends. If I'm awake that is. We had this happen in Qatar too but not so noticeable because it wasn't quite this hot. I did end up going out after procrastinating for a long while.

Mary-Anne, Nina and her girls Georgina and Philippa and I went to the movies to see Star Trek 2. It was freezing in the theatre so it was a relief to get outside to the balmy warmth. The movie was great, just what the doctor ordered, some Saturday afternoon escapism. The company was great too. They all came back to my place for pizza, as you do on a Saturday.

The girls were a little surprised and their mother disturbed that I had a live cockroach in a jar on my book shelf. Well, I have cockroaches in my flat so I catch them in a jar and put them over the wall outside. Simple, except this time I forgot to release it. I was amazed it was still alive, maybe it will have learnt it's lesson and not return. Maybe it will tell it's cockroach friends to stay away from the mad woman with the jar, here's hoping.

Mary-Anne was very brave and hopped in the car with me. She did comment about me zooming across three lanes so I could turn for home, just driving like a local my friend. We did survive, no pizza was hurt and the Fanta wasn't too fizzy when opened so all good.

With no TV to offer the kids we had a photo show, me showing off my kids and Nina showing off the ball photos. Nope no embarrassing ones of me, can't say the same for poor (lucky) Mary-Anne. What were you doing with your tongue on that man? And what about that other man...... Will see if I can get a copy to add here.

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