Tuesday 3 January 2023


And this is a very short post because the visit over the border was very short! It was great to finally set foot in Spain, shame the day was wet and cold with a chilling wind off the Mediterranean. Not a day for a paddle in the Med I'm afraid, or an outside table for tapas and local wine sigh. I was quite disappointed really. We wandered through the streets, had a quick stop at a café then back we wandered. The pic quite possibly did do justice to the day!

Once we got back to Gib, we wandered up to visit the Moorish Castle. Alas the way the eluded us with dead end streets and a long uphill walk with steps. When the rain started we gave up. And rain it did with the roads becoming rivers and the two of us soaked, cold and bedraggled. Thankfully there was a bus stop and a minibus with a lovely driver who took pity on us and changed her route slightly to get us closer to the hotel. What an exciting drive through narrow streets flowing from the heavy downpour. We got inside and dry and down to the bar in time to see the road outside become an impassible river. The rain was so heavy the windows of the hotel started to leak causing a bit of chaos. 

Needless to say we stayed put, thank goodness because I was all walked out and ready for some spicy Prawn Pil Pil to warm me up. It was delicious as was the Spanish wine. You can tell the quality of your travel companions when there is no drama when plans change, you're soaking wet and lost. With the best ones you can have a laugh over food and wine at the end of the day. A very relaxing evening after a busy and often lost day.

Even the Rock was inhospitable

Proof I made it to Spain!

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