Friday 31 January 2020

Changes - so many changes

It's been a long time since I've ventured here and the time to revisit might just be now. Where to begin.

My new travel companion mentioned in the last entry turned out to be different in real life, as happens, and since then I've had many adventures. Along the way I've met wonderful people, realised some are in my life for a reason, some a season and some for a lifetime.

My family have grown with the joy of new grand babies. I've moved home 4 times, within Sydney and interstate and I'm now happily living in my own place on the Gold Coast. The place I am very unexpectedly at after answering a phone call in late 2018. My willingness to say yes often lands me in places where I shake my head and wonder about how I let that brain explosion guide me. Not this time.

As always for me it's about the people. I met the people, said yes, packed up my life and came on this new adventure. I was at a cross roads after an abundant year of work, friends and travel. Things that come so easily can only be good. One year on and I am thriving within a team of positive people all walking in the same direction. Dedicated people who only want to best for children and their families. My kind of people.

So I do hope to write more here as things progress. Back stories to provide the context, current stories as I explore this new place and get some travel time. Best of all family stories. There are reports to write now and a workshop I'm co-presenting on Wednesday, followed by a walk on the beach and dinner with friends. One year in my new life is good, very good indeed.