Sunday 29 April 2012

Rainy Saturday afternoon

The heavy rain, thunder and lightning began not long after I arrived home last night, not long after happy hour. It was lovely to lay in bed reading and watch the display of wild weather outside. It was one of those snuggle under the covers, it's cold outside or hot chocolate by the fire sort of nights. Well it would have been if this wasn't the tropics. It was a little chillier than normal, almost chilly enough.

I was supposed to have sailed today on the cruiser, Blue Runner, raced. That got cancelled. It was just too wet and wild. I was quietly pleased as I wanted to enjoy a home day. Tomorrow it's the 22's racing, my first as part owner so I'm really looking forward to that. I hope the weather holds, it's cleared a bit outside. 

Part of a home day is catching up on stuff, I caught up on Facebook today. Elmarie, a friend from the UAE now based in Malaysia, posts some inspirational quotes and clips. Her one for today is about coffee, a little like Forest Gumps box of chocolates analogy. I enjoyed it, especially the last piece so I'm sharing it here. Life is not about the cup, it's all about the coffee. Enjoy.

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