Saturday 8 January 2011

The weekend

Don't you just hate it when you can't sleep in on the weekends. I have to be up bright and early every day for work, on my Fridays and Saturdays it seems I've lost the ability to sleep in. I suspect it's because there's so much to do. Take today for example. I have a trip to the Hatta pools and hanging gardens with friends planned, I have to finish my Jordan article for the magazine, I've got work shopping to do plus groceries to feed myself for the week and then there's the washing.

I've also got photos to upload and sort, once I've got my new terrabite (yes, that really is a word, a new one for the English language I suspect) external hard drive set up for my Mac. My poor Mac is full and sick of me uploading more photos so it wont let me at the moment. A major sort and delete is required, that takes time.

So why am I writing here? I need a brain break from the article I began to write at a bit before 5 this morning. Odd to write to have a brain break from writing I know but I don't have to think, remember or research here, I can just burble on and no one cares. Back to the photos, I've got some of the football (aka soccer for my NZ readers) match between the Socceroos and the UAE national team that I'd like to add here. Taking photos was the most interesting part of the whole evening, the football was dead boring.

I went to the football with friends, it was a big occasion for the Al Ain Club and the first time I've been in the stadium I see lit up most evenings when I drive past. We wandered from the compound nearby, under the road tunnel and into the stadium. I know quite a few people here, Nina often comments that when I go anywhere in the world I know at least five people. Often true, but there were crowds of people I knew at the football. It was quite a social occasion and showed me just how many Aussies there are here. Photos will follow, I promise, but for now I must get back to that article. Brain break over, time to make some tea.

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