Friday 15 January 2010

14 more sleeps

It's only 14 more sleeps until I'm back in NZ, 14 plus one on the long plane journey. I'm ready for a slice of NZ summer, a short slice as I've only got a two week break. It's funny working through the time there's usually a holiday in my other world, funny being in winter. Not a cold winter mind, but cold enough that I went shopping for winter clothes on Tuesday.

Everything was on sale, a whole mall of shops with big signs. I took it as a sign. I bought some long jumpers, trousers, tops and of course a pair of shoes to match it all. The man offered me a handbag and I resisted, maybe today's job. It's nice wearing new clothes, a new look and dressing for a different season. Looking at the temperatures in NZ I may have to pack some of these goodies to wear there.

So looking forward to catching up on my family and friends in NZ, especially hoping that the new family addition will arrive a little early. The photo is one Lesley took on New Years day on top of a very high dune. I refrained from putting the climbing up photos, they were not very dignified.

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