Sunday 4 January 2009


Once is a simple movie I enjoyed in Qatar. Having no TV and a ready supply of movies meant that I watched a few on my computer, not ideal for a music movie with the poor sound quality. Once got passed around the group and was enjoyed by all who watched it. The soundtrack, some of which I already had on my ipod, is wonderful. Listening now brings back some good memories.

My copy was in the box that went missing so I'd not seen the movie since. I was at the airport dropping of Nick and Court and I saw Once for sale, couldn't resist. I watched it tonight on a decent sized screen with good sound, yep still a great movie. Enjoy the trailer.


Di Mackey said...

We played it in that kind of lovely hotel room in Rome one hot summer day.

You had your iPod speakers and 'Falling Slowly' came on. Now I associate it with a hot summer's day, net curtains floating on that breeze that came in through the open french doors, red wine and just chilling out with that kiwi cousin of mine.

And I bought the movie before Christmas and maybe watched it two times in row ;)

Jule's Short Story said...

Yes, I remember that well with a happy sigh.

Rome, hot sun, afternoon seistas in that lovely room, red wine and chillin. Fantastic photos, Chichia at our feet, on the bed if we'd let her. We had fun aye, must do it again soon.

Must confess, I've watched it again too, worth more than just once :)

Anonymous said...

Such a fab movie - I bought it for my brother when I was back in Ireland. I'm risking all here by telling you my favourite bit is right at the start, when the knacker robs Singer's guitar case

Jule's Short Story said...

Lol, my favourite bit is the shot of him and her walking away with the vacuum cleaner towing along behind them, the simple things aye!

It's one to watch again and again, I love the music.