Tuesday 27 January 2009

The first leg

It's lovely to be back in Brissy. It's also good that Kez and Sasi live close to where Kez lived last time I visited. This meant I could go for a walk this morning and to the shopping centre this afternoon without getting lost, a bonus. It's warm and sticky here with bursts of heavy shower adding to the humidity. I just missed getting caught in a tropical down pour and enjoyed watching the curtain of water from the balcony.

It's even better to be in Brissy catching up with the kids, spending time with them and also having time to catch up with the other rellies over here. I had lunch with Des, Karen and Scotty today, a long lunch and a good chat. We don't get to sit and talk very often so I make the most of those times, make the most of their wisdom while enjoying their company.

I think I wrote about me getting the packing down to 20kgs, well that was a bit of a joke in the end. I managed 27kgs in my case after chucking out heaps of clothes, all the wintery ones. I hope it's warmed up in Al Ain by the time I arrive on Thursday. I got to the airport very early to check in, knowing that the best time to talk excess baggage is while there's no queue. I was prepared to pay a bit extra, especially as I had a 10kg carry on, my camera case filled with the cords and battery packs that are so heavy and a lead weighted handbag. And Shirley wasn't there to relieve me of some of the excess as she did last trip.

A funny thing happened when the bag went on the scales. The check in lady, the lovely check in lady, got three readings, 27kgs, 25kgs and then when she moved the bag to the back of the scales, 22kg. We had already discussed the $20 per kg it was going to cost for the excess, had a chat about where I was going and weighed the carry on. As I mentioned, there was no queue.

"Oh well," she said. "I have to take the lowest reading and that's 22 so you're OK". As she put a 25kg tag on my bag with a smile.

She also put a sticker on the carry on to say it was OK too, only little over 7kgs after all. The kindness of people is amazing, a kindness that made my day on a very stressful day. I felt really sad as I looked out the window at Christchurch, my family and my friends disappearing into the distance. I shed a tear or two, while knowing that I was off on another hikoi, another important journey. Next stop Abu Dhabi, then onto Al Ain and a new job, a new way of life for a while.

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