Thursday 3 January 2013

Jet lag

The interesting things you find on the Internet, on Stuff to be precise. This article about jet lag fitted with my experiences of travelling west and travelling east. I'm usually good flying to New Zealand and toast coming home to Cayman. Today I feel fine, I know from past experience that it may hit tomorrow.  I used to take Melatonin and find that sunlight does help. The best jet lag reducing thing I've found is an hour of Swedish massage. I had that today, late in the afternoon. I also ate well today, a nice pumpkin and spinach risotto for dinner. That was one of my resolutions, taking better care of myself and eating better is a good start.

It will be an early night for me tonight, work tomorrow. Although I can't wait to see everyone and catch up on the gossip, I'm missing the small people in my other world already. I got a pile of photos printed in NZ and today I put them into the albums I bought in Peru. Some lovely pics of the small ones and some ones from my travels. I must print more of my pics for display, I think that's another resolution. Best I get some more of the special ones sorted out from the thousands. Here's two very special ones.

Bubble fun!
A budding musician performing Twinkle Twinkle


Unknown said...

very nice blog :)

Jule's Short Story said...

Thanks for your comment Piotr. You have some lovely photographs on your blog.

All the best
