Monday 16 May 2011

And some more

My horoscope said that I would have someone watching over me today, so very true. It’s a feeling I’ve had often here, that warm feeling of belonging as if I’ve lived here in a past life. This feeling makes it easy for me to commit to life here, to my work and socially.

There are several examples of this, one that I’ve had the Internet for the first few days in my new house. I was grumpy last night that the connection had disappeared, where could it have gone? Tonight I reflected on the timing of my access to this connection. I had access the first weekend in my house when I needed to talk to family, my first chill out Saturday.

I talked to friends in the UAE in the morning then New Zealand and Australia family in the afternoon and evening, just what the doctor ordered. Most importantly I had the Internet on Sunday night, Monday afternoon Brisbane time so I could meet Eve, the newest arrival in our family. I only had a short visit and am looking forward to more. So the Internet connection served it’s purpose and now I have to get my own arranged, a job for tomorrow. Let’s hope they can have it on for the weekend.

Late this afternoon, after work, I went to the beach. I went for a swim. I was alone, the beach was deserted and I got in treading carefully over the coral and rocks the litter the bottom of this swimming beach. The water was sublime, my cares melted away my stress dissolved and I was able to totally relax. As I dog paddled up and down, quite close to shore, it struck me that I was alone and that no one knew that I was swimming at the beach.

I ended my swim and went to the shore with Jo’s words in my head, “I don’t swim alone, especially on dusk”. Wise words. I know my local beach has people there, surfing the small break on big boards or swimming or walking their dog or just enjoying the view but these come earlier in the evening, late afternoon. I wandered along the beach for a bit, watching the sun sinking lower and lower.

Being in the tropics, the door slams shut on the day in much the same way as in the UAE. I wandered back to the exit nearest my place so I didn’t get caught in the dark and sat to watch the sun sink into the sea. The sunsets here are beautiful, the sun a fiery ball lighting up the clouds and sparkling on the sea.
I noticed a seat, one not with a private property sign like so many seats along the beach. 

The plaque read: In loving memory of John………….who loved to watch the sunset……..

This was a memorial a place to a man obviously loved by his family, a man who loved this place and the sea, a man who I initially pictured as an elderly man making his way each day to sit and watch the sun sink into the sea with a sigh. Not so. I read the plaque more closely as I departed. John was a little younger than me when he died in 2001. A short life, well remembered judging by the current collection of conch shells and coral decorating the edge of his seat area. I’m sure someone will share John’s story with me as I sit on the seat his family made to honour his memory, if they allow I’ll share it here.

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