Monday 20 October 2008

Dressing for winter

I learnt my lesson today about listening to the weather forecast at this time of of year. Christchurch is well known as a city that can have four seasons in one day. Usually I dress for the coldest of those seasons because I feel the cold and have half a wardrobe in my car, just in case. Last night the weather person said it was going to be 14C.

In honour of the cold day and being in the office, I dragged out my pink wool suit from the dark recesses of my wardrobe where it had recently been consigned to make way for the summer collection. Actually it's more of a darkish pink and black than a nipple pink suit, that would look plain hideous on me. I grumbled about this of course. I like to wear light summer clothing much more than the wool suit and I had just changed the seasons after all. I did put on a fetching pair of fish nets and my Spanish shoes which made the look a little lighter.

There are several great things about fish nets. The first one is that men leer at your legs, any man, anywhere, especially when the said fish nets are accompanied by a fetching pair of heels. What is it about men and fish nets? I was even told one day by one of my colleagues, a man of advanced years, that fish nets were not work attire, unless of course I wanted my legs leered at. We laughed about this later after we both got over the shock. Another great thing about fish nets is that if you get a hole or several, thats OK. Holes add to the character of this already holey garment. The final and most excellent thing about fish nets is that if the 14C day turns into a 24C day, there is plenty of ventilation for hot legs.

That was the moral of the story of today, dress for winter and if turns into a heat wave as it did, make sure you are wearing fish nets or you might just expire. Another lesson about fish nets, if you take off your heels when you get home, don't go outside to get in the washing in your fish nets. Holes on the soles are not good in fish nets, perhaps I need to invest in a new pair after todays adventures, maybe I'll wait until next winter.

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