Friday 15 August 2008

Just over the fence....

Been to Ashburton, and now I'm back. I didn't have reliable Internet on my travels, the story of my life. Dial up is just so inefficient. What did we do when that was all we had? 
I did get some great photos in Ashburton. The mountains are so close, so beautiful covered in snow, just over the fence. Ok I did have to detour down a country road to get these two shots. Did I mention I also got a little stuck? 
I had a very small rental car and as anyone knows, rental cars go anywhere. The car w as red so should have gone faster, not so it was the smallest and most gutless car I have ever driven. It was quite wet in South Canterbury so when I pulled slightly off the road to stop and get these photos, I inadvertently pulled off into a swampy bit. When I tried to pull away the wheels spun alarmingly and mud flew out the back and up the side of the car. So much for keeping my detour quiet. I floored the accelerator, as you do when stuck, and fish tailed out of my predicament. Much to the amusement of the locals.  
My colleague noticed the mud, I shrugged and suggested it had always been there......and we opened another red to go with night two of Indian takeaways. Lots of laughter but no more was said.


Rose Coppen said...

So.... you've been pulling wheelies in the rental car! I can't leave you girls alone for five minutes without you getting up to no good.

Just kidding.

from your Manager

Jule's Short Story said...

Sorry boss! It was all that other girls fault she encouraged me....... great photos though :)