Friday 4 July 2008


Assisi was like stepping back in time. The stone houses were well kept and the cobbled streets a treat to explore. Quite by accident we found the Chapel of St Francis who of course hailed from Assisi. It was tiny and hidden amongst the houses. The thing that strikes me all around Italy and from our trip to France earlier, is that the history of these places is valued. 
In New Zealand we don't seem to value our history so much. People say that we have no history, not true. We have a rich indigenous history as well as the later explorers and settler making their mark. These adventurous ancestors form a large part of our make up, of what makes us who we are. Not surprising then that kiwis are renowned as travelers, bat above their weight on the world stage in many endeavors and were amongst the first to sign up to the empire's struggles in both world wars. Religion is also a part of our make up. 
I am not a religious person, Muzz is a Catholic. We visited many churches on our journey. Each time we entered one, he stood well away from me until he had made sure it was safe, just in case of lightning bolts. He bought some prayer cards from Assisi for Sarah and himself and was most touched by the spirituality of the place. I enjoyed the peace and tranquility of many of the churches, especially the small ones in small towns where the sense of community pervades.  

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